Would you be my bestest friend?!?

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Umm... Please take this quiz I just started a couple of weeks ago and want people to take them please when you are done comment to me! It would at least be nice!

Soooooooooo Let's see how good you know me! Are you fit to be my friend? Will you talk to me? Will you be able to pass? Take this quiz and find out!!!

Created by: Elly1Everything
  1. What do you think my fav. clor is?
  2. What would you do if you saw me murder someone (Pretend your my friend)
  3. Do you like anime?
  4. What would you do if I dated your ex-boyfriend? (But really I wuldn't)
  5. What do yu think my personality is?
  6. Would you talk to me online?
  7. So that's the end because I have to work on something else but I hope you liked it!
  8. If you take this quiz leave a comment and rate it but plese comment because I would love to have a conversation with someone!
  9. Bye!!
  10. ...

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