Would I Date You...? Yes, Or No?

Take this awesome quiz to see if I would date you...if you don't like the result...try again...it is a quiz...don't take it personally...just for fun...

It is for fun...try it out to see if I would... :-) ;) I might, I might not...have fun people... :-) ;) I like a party animal, because I am one! Not like Lindsey Lohan...

Created by: Alexa
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your sexuality?
  2. What music do you listen to?
  3. Do you like the Beatles?
  4. Do you like to dance? (Not perverted...)
  5. Do you like animals and are you nice to them?
  6. Do you have a non-American accent?
  7. Do you like art?
  8. What is your favorite color?
  9. What do you think of women...
  10. Do you like parties?
  11. Do you talk a lot?
  12. Do like the Internet?
  13. Do text at the table to other people?
  14. Do smack at the table, belch, fart, swear, anything else...
  15. Do you get violent...

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