Would i date you.GUYS ONLY

thre are many good looking people out there but few are really just perfect.what is being perfect is it the muscles or the tallness who knows everyone is different

are you atractive?do you have the strengh to life more than 50kg if you do chicks will dig a guy like you.or maybe is the smartness thats atractive who really knows

Created by: Jourdan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your hair color
  2. eye color
  3. do you like sports?
  4. what sports do you play
  5. how long is your hair
  6. what is your ideal date destination?
  7. what are your best qualities
  8. where would you like to live
  9. do you like video games?
  10. nearly done
  11. where do you think i live
  12. this was my first quiz so go you like it?

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