Would I Date You? (GUYS ONLY!

There are many people I would date. I like the kind of guy that is committed, nice, funny and fun. If you have a suggestion for another quiz, don't be shy! And don't be shy to comment you'r score! Hope you enjoy the quiz!

Are YOU the kind of guy I'm looking for? I don't know. You're gonna have to take the quiz and find out! ;) Thank you if you do! In just about 2 minutes you will find out if I would date you!

Created by: Me

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you nice?
  2. Do you like girls that are: (pick one)
  3. Do you like this in girls: (pick one)
  4. Ok, back to you. Are you: (pick one)
  5. Do you like Sports? If yes, which one? (Pick one)
  6. Okay, So the school bully is picking on a kid. You....
  7. Where would you take a girl on a first date?
  8. C4N Y0U R34D TH15?
  9. A kid falls in the hall at school. You...
  10. Thank you for taking my quiz! Are you happy to see the results?

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