Would I Date You (Boys Only!)

Hey so I’m Alto. So yeah I’m super bored so here I am. I’m 13 and really I saw a bunch of these quizzes and I guess hey maybe this will instantly become viral lol lol lol

We’ll know I need to fill space. I guess I’ll talk about me. So yeah I play flute um I’m super sarcastic so if you hate sarcasm or dark humor, they way out is that way…

Created by: Alto24
  1. Are you racist/sexist/Semitist/rude in general?
  2. Oh yeah do you identify as male/loves people that identify as female?
  3. How old are you?
  4. Are you pretty intelligent?
  5. Do you play an instrument?
  6. Welllllllllll……. I’m running out of questions.
  7. I’m 13. You OK with that?
  8. First date?
  9. How do you feel about kissing
  10. My name’s alto. It weird I know
  11. Well bye comment please

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