Would I date you

Do you think I'll date you. Do you have the balls and clit to take this quiz. Would you be able to handle my sexual harrasment or not. I would devour your soul.

Would you finger me or would you fist bang me in the ass. I would tear you apart with your family. I'll bang your granny with her own chruche she'll be bleeding afterwards.

Created by: Carla Carages

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What color is your eyes?
  2. Are you concieted
  3. What would you be?
  4. What are your grade in school
  5. What's your weight?
  6. What band do you like?
  7. What movies do you like?
  8. ?
  9. Did you like question number ten
  10. Did you lie about question number eight?

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