Would I date You?

Some people are okay. Some are soulmates. And some are like oil and water. Take this quiz to see if we are soulmates. Please post your result. I appreciate it.

I have brown shoulder length hair, blue eyes, and lots of freckles. I am five feet tall. I like reading, writing, drawing, and talking. I love sports. I have only dated one person before.

Created by: Lalaland

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hey this quiz is only for guys. So...
  2. What color eyes do you have?
  3. What color hair?
  4. Kay... Now the important stuff. What would we do on the first date?
  5. Now, how old are you?
  6. Which "group" would you fit into?
  7. If I were upset, you would...
  8. We are at my house watching a movie. What movie?
  9. We see some men trying to break in. My parents are at the store. The best place to hide is the closet. What do you do?
  10. Which word best describes you?
  11. I have blue eyes, shoulderlength brown hair, freckles, and smile with my mouth closed. I try to be nice and caring. I donate to charity. Do you think I'm beautiful?
  12. Thanks for taking my quiz. Let fate decide!
  13. Thanks for taking my quiz. Let fate decide!
  14. What is your age?
  15. What is your gender?

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