Would I date you 2.0 (girls only)

You took the first would I date you quiz. Now, its updated as its caught up on the news thats going on in my life righ now. Hope you feel better soon mr.troxel

Welcome to the would i date you quiz 2.0 edition.this quiz is very special to me because i know someone who i think likes me. not gonna say who thou. its a secret

Created by: lilsavagejr

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. I go to greet you. Which one do you pick?
  2. What would you say to me?
  3. Would you get me anything for my birthday?
  4. Do you like Star Wars
  5. Do you like a goofy personality?
  6. Would you hold my hand?
  7. What do you like in a man
  8. Do you like expensive shoes?
  9. Do you like expensive clothes
  10. Will you love me forever?

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