Would I date you

Im really just looking for someone good and I'm a guy thats STRAIGHT. So if you don't live in Denver Colorado or guy dont take this quiz I wouldn't want to take your time

Created by: Daniel

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you religious and if you are what are you
  2. Do you watch anime
  3. You do realize I'm a guy that's straight (males should get out)
  4. what kind of music do listen to
  5. How do you feel about goths
  6. I'm not racist but what's your ethnicity
  7. What state do you live in
  8. If you live In Colorado which city
  9. Are you cute or hot
  10. Where would you like to travel for vacation

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