Would I date you?

Would I date you? Now, that's a question. I'm a real catch you know? Like a rainbow trout or a peppermint angelfish. Definitely not an eel... Anyway, I have some pretty high standards like, a) NO CATS.

I'M ALLERGIC. To cats. So if you have cats, me and them won't be friends, I will hold my breath every time I see you which might lead to severe brain damage due to lack of oxygen. I need oxygen to breath, NOT CAT FUR!

Created by: McDoodleFarting
  1. Are you introverted or extraverted?
  2. Cats? Do you like cats? Do you have cats?
  3. Do you snore?
  4. Do you like minecraft/COD/fortnite/anything like that?
  5. What's your preferred everyday footwear?
  6. How tall are you? JK I don't care. But seriously.
  7. Would you EVER consider a buzz cut?
  8. What is your preferred cause of death?
  9. Do you like Harry Potter? ANSWER ME.
  10. Are you clingy?
  11. Do you like pineapple on pizza?
  12. Are you controlling?
  13. Aaaand last question, have you watched Coraline?

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