wot r u quiz 4 evry1 2 use

what are you, this dumb quiz has stupid questions that you probably don't care about and in the end is just for a laugh if you take it the wrong way just forget about it...

if you enjoyed this test take it again although it is extremely pointless and will not help you at all in later life you may not even laugh at all but i don't care!

Created by: horsedogcatcowparrotfishdonkey

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. wot is your favorite animal
  2. yo
  3. how are ya
  4. hows the weather
  5. was this quiz helpful
  6. pick a number 1-6
  7. your favorite thing about queen victoria II
  8. your thoughts on the KKK
  9. the best invention ever
  10. coolest things
  11. dumbest law enstated in the UK in 2015

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