Wizard knowledge

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How much do you like harry potter. well if you like harry potter, this is the quiz for you.finally you found it so please takemyquiz and you wont regret it.

do you have what it takes to take this quiz. if you dont, you are a muggle. well this is the most intimitating, hard, sweaty quiz you will ever take.

Created by: Tyler Geno
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who are the three main characters of this movie?
  2. What spell repels dementors?
  3. What is the trains name that takes the wizards to school?
  4. What book/movie did harry die and come back to life?
  5. how did harry catch his very first snitch at the qudditch match?
  6. what did harry name one of his kids at the last part of movie seven.
  7. can you name five spells in a battle against death eaters
  8. what was the last horcruxe that the group had to destroy?
  9. why did hermione get angry at Ron in book or movie six.
  10. What is harry's mom and dad named

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