witch monster are you?

As the popularity of moshi monsters is so high and it is so packed you have a challenged your self to try to conker the ultimate brain challenge.have fun trying again and again! who are you?

Are YOU the genius we need? do you have the knowledge and brains to totally blast out of the mooniverse? moshi monsters is the greatest one ever for your personality guessing.lets go go go go

Created by: alesha
  1. what is your fav moshling?
  2. who is your fav roxstar?
  3. age???
  4. what dog would you have?
  5. what dog would you have?
  6. do you have a little sister or older?
  7. do you have a moshi monster account?
  8. what type of house do you live in?
  9. whats your style?
  10. what color eyes have you got?

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Quiz topic: Witch monster am I?