Witch "Hunger Games" Charetcer are you?

Have you ever read the Hunger Games, or seen it. Do you reconize yourself in some of the charecteres? If you do, then here is the place you can find out wich charecter You are.

Are you Katniss? Are you stubborn? Or are you Peeta? Are you an artist? Maybe you are Gale, a rebel. Or you could be Primrose, the little helper. Maybe you are none of these charecteres, but then you cant use this tes.

Created by: Stimemia12
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. There are 3 things on a table, you dont know what they are for.
  2. You are going to a dancewith your friends, and a cute boy/girl has asked you if you want to go with her/him
  3. You are walking on a road, and the road splits. You can now choose:
  4. Would you rather:
  5. There is a fire at your school, who would you save?
  6. Whats your favorite colour?
  7. What do you do in your freetime?
  8. What would you do if you where in the games?
  9. What are you?
  10. Okay, we are now at the end of this test. Just one final question: What are your favorite Hunger Games Charecter?

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Quiz topic: Witch "Hunger Games" Charetcer am I?