Wings of Fire Quiz

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Welcome to the Wings of Fire Quiz! If you are a true Wings of Fire fanatic, this quiz is definitely for you! Get ready to answer some of the hardest Wings of Fire questions ever!

This quiz has 36 questions. Questions may include spoilers for the Legends, Books 1-14, and the Winglets. This quiz may not be reproduced or copied in any form.

Created by: IceDragon716
  1. Which tribe of the following had animus magic the longest?
  2. Which of the following dragons is not disabled in any way?
  3. Which scavenger of the following has slayed a dragon?
  4. Darkstalker's Plague killed approximately how many IceWings?
  5. Which dragon of the following is not currently controlled by the Othermind?
  6. What is the westernmost hive of Pantala?
  7. Which dragon of the following is not traveling across the sea from Pyrrhia to Pantala as one of the eleven selected representatives?
  8. Tsunami has approximately how many brothers?
  9. Who transformed Darkstalker into Peacemaker?
  10. What are MudWings known as to scavengers?
  11. Which two dragon tribes are worst together?
  12. The MudWings were originally allied with which SandWing?
  13. Who was never a NightWing ruler?
  14. Which of the following powers do not belong to only one tribe?
  15. Which dragon tribe is related to RainWings?
  16. The Lost Continent Prophecy belonged to whom?
  17. The Book of Clearsight is filled with about how many years of visions?
  18. Snowfall destroyed what animus gift?
  19. "I'm your friend! You don't need them! It's not fair! The others can have any dragon! I only want you!"
  20. "Uh-oh, I mean, um, yes, whatever it is. Ready. To do it. That's me."
  21. Which of the following is not a LeafWing denomination?
  22. Who named Stone's sister "Flower"?
  23. What did Fathom name Indigo's pet octopus?
  24. What does A.S. stand for?
  25. True or false? All the female Dragonets of Destiny are royalty.
  26. True or false? The old NightWing Island is west of Pyrrhia.
  27. True or false? Snowfall had a vision of Blue on Pantala.
  28. True or false? Rowan never left Talisman.
  29. True or false? Hemlock has leafspeak powers.
  30. True or false? Ermine is the Jade Winglet IceWing.
  31. True or false? Clay limps for life after being bit by a snake.
  32. True or false? The Dragonslayer's real name is Heath.
  33. True or false? Cricket refers to scavengers as flying apes.
  34. True or false? Quickstrike died to lightning.
  35. True or False? Pyrrhians refer to Pantala as The Distant Kingdoms.
  36. True or false? Tsunami is younger than Riptide.

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