Wings of Fire Jade Mountain Adventure (girls only) Part 2

Welcome to Part Two of Wings of Fire Jade Mountain Adventure!! If you haven’t done Part 1 this will be very confusing. Most of the characters in this are my OC’s. Oh, and special thanks to my friend, Clay, for helping me with some things in this quiz.

Quick recap: You are Everest, the daughter of Winter and Lynx. This is your first year at Jade Mountain Academy and you don’t have any friends yet. Soon you meet your Winglet, Gold Winglet. The dragonets in it are Tempest, Tsunami and Riptide’s daughter, Firefly, Glory and Deathbringer’s daughter, Warseeker, a NightWing animus descended from Darkstalker, Lotus, a shy MudWing/ RainWing hybrid, Jackal, a friendly and nervous SandWing, and Amber, Clay and Peril’s daughter. In Part 1 you learn Warseeker has a plan to take down JMA. But he thinks Tempest has a secret that could ruin it. So he wants you to kill Tempest. What are you going to do?

Created by: Tsunami (and Clay)
  1. You stand there stunned. You don’t want to kill anyone, let alone Tempest. “Why don’t you use your magic to kill her?!” You ask Warseeker. Warseeker sighs. “I tried. But the next day Tempest was still alive. You’re close to her. She’d never see it coming! Please help me?” (Btw you have no choice but no. It depends on how you say no.)
  2. “Fine,” says Warseeker. “I don’t want to threaten you, but either you kill Tempest your way or I kill her my way.” You make up your mind to do it your way. As you walk into your room with a knife you see Tempest is awake. “I knew you were coming,” she growls. You shut your eyes and throw the knife as you cry but you don’t here Tempest get hurt. You slowly open your eyes and see Tempest is behind a force field and the knife is on the floor. As you look at the force field in wonder you realize that this is Tempest’s secret. She’s a…
  3. (For those of you who put Animus, you’re correct. Now on with the story.) “Yep,” Tempest says. “I’m an animus. Listen, Warseeker just put a mind control spell on the teachers. We need to stop him!”
  4. You wait in your room as Tempest gets the rest of your Winglet. You feel…
  5. Then, Firefly and Lotus walk in. “Hi, Everest! I can’t believe Warseeker is trying to take over the school! Tempest doesn’t want to kill him, but we have to STOP him! I don’t want to kill, either, so hopefully we can think of something!” Lotus just nods her head. You decide to chat with…
  6. Tempest comes back with Amber and Jackal and everyone has an idea of what to do when Warseeker comes in. You…
  7. “Hello,” Warseeker says with a smirk. “I see Tempest isn’t dead, so I’ll have to kill her myself!!” He tries to attack Tempest, but Tempest puts up her force field and sends the knife at Warseeker, but it only leaves a scar. Who do you help?
  8. Warseeker flies out the window. “You haven’t seen the last of me!!!” he says. Tempest and Firefly go to heal the teachers and Jackal comes over to you. “Can I tell you a secret?” he asks.
  9. He tells you no matter what you said. “I have a crush on Lotus.”
  10. Two days later: It’s lunch and you sit with your Winglet and Tempest’s brother, Carp. Carp sits next to you.
  11. Carp doesn’t really say anything. You and your friends are happy eating lunch together. But Warseeker is still out there. You feel…
  12. This is the end of the quiz. Sorry it was so short, but part 3 will be out soon. At the end of this quiz you will get one of the characters who is most likely to be your friend! Anyway did you like the quiz?

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