Will you survive a zombie outbreak?

You are in a world, like the one you're in, but this one is infested by zombies! They are the blood and gore mutant monster killing Zombie maniacks! Only the best of the best can live this one out!

Now it's time to get your rear in gear and try to live out this outbreak! Can you make it? Try this quiz and see if you can kill them before you become them...or have humanity go extinct

Created by: JJ
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You know about the zombie out break...
  2. What is you're wepond of choice?
  3. What do you do now?
  4. Were is a safe place to stay?
  5. A good ride would be...
  6. how fit are you?
  7. you are surounded by 10 zombies, but you escape to...
  8. How many are with you?
  9. what is the first thing to do when rading a building for supplies.
  10. You're friend is bitten.
  11. today, there is not one zombie incounter and the coast is clear...
  12. You're food mission group is in a zombie pit. But strangly, they are not there...
  13. Okay, you are the last human in your town and the zombie are after you...
  14. you and your friends are forced to go in a underground metro...
  15. you are now in an empty mall with someof your survivor friend. But as soon as you clear the mall, you find 4 zombies in a store, that are unaware of you but cornering you. Witch store are you in and what can you do?
  16. What is a zombie?
  17. Can animals be zombies?
  18. It's finaly over! where are you now?
  19. Did you like the quiz? Don't say no!
  20. Oh and before you go... What type of person are you?
  21. ...And how much experience do you have in combat?

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Quiz topic: Will I survive a zombie outbreak?