will you surrive a horror movie

there are many ways to surrive a horror movie can you take this quiz to find out now this is your change to take it it is fun you shall be laughing have a good day

will you surrive a horror movie find out here you are all alone take it now you shall ethier die or surrive find out now here sorry about my spelling i may have made some typos too

Created by: josh

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. you hear a cat noise when you don't have a cat you
  2. you a popauler blonde
  3. you are very smart
  4. you die
  5. you know the killer is
  6. you have three weeks to live you
  7. i am getting bored are you(no effect)
  8. the first person to be killed is your
  9. bored again (no effet)
  10. bored again (no effet)
  11. tell afriend
  12. tell afriend

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Quiz topic: Will I surrive a horror movie