Will you make a good Assassin? | Comments

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  • Hey I was wondering could I join this sounds like fun and I did martial arts for four years two years of basic self defense and I currently am taking gun classes I rarely miss with my pistol also five years of gymnastics I'm 15

  • Score: 94%

    Anyone else feel like they were an assassin in a past life?

  • I'm 13 and to be honest I scored an 88% even though I haven't killed anyone. I usually get in troubles or a fight with someone at school but not anymore because of my mom and now I study from online classes..I'm don't do martial arts and I need much training but I'm good at being the victim, sneaky and mysteries. I want to join assassin training or maybe groups that will accept me and I want to leave my house because of my abuse dad! If you accept me as your assassin please email me moonloona65 (I'm not gonna put the gmail.com because it might get deleted lol)

  • XD

    Yanow being 12 and being real is great and all but actually would kill to save the innocent not for money (Of course I Would take payment) but i am actually experienced and teach other people how to fight in martial arts with military training and on top of that we use real weapons rope darts and such (I make them) so if you get hurt its going to be pretty bad good thing one of them is actually a small medical assistant somehow?

    The Anxietist
  • awww mann wish i had a team, sucks to suck

  • I got 100%

  • Hi we need to kill the worst leaders of all who will join me

  • 86%

  • While admittedly the quiz wasnt completely easy i did slip up on one question but i still scored a sweet 94% but this is just a trivial quiz more for a bit of fun while people who pass hight scores on this probably have the sense and motivation to be an assassin it hardly makes you one like i said the quiz is trivial so the amount of 13 year olds trying to be assassins is something I should mention being an assassin plain and simple isnt something that you can just do in many places is highly illegal for one two you need money behind you if your 13 unless by some miracle you have been trained since birth and that your a decent assassin by 13 and your client pays expenses in advance you will still need to proved your own equipment but some miracle all of that is provided two at 13 your will have been under training for some time so you have no experience plus if using a false identity you could pass for maybe 16 tops but if not then your gonna have to be heavily restricted because of the age restriction not to mention if u aroused suspicion that your using fake ID for age restricted purposes and it is found to be fake well if your lucky then you get done for just that but if by some stupid chance you have target information with your or anything to make it known your an assassin then im afraid you are done for not to mention if by some miracle you escaped the authorities your still not gonna be in a good place with your client who just pre paid all this for you and then if you do make it past everything though will you be able to keep your composure and its now real not training then can you take a life without hesitation possibly because advantage to being young you neglect certain though processes but how will you fair after a lot of people say they can take a life but once they do then game over they cant bare it they hate the blood now on their hands some even kill them selves over such thoughts so can a 13 year old be an assassin hell no not by a long shot admit

  • Yall really sure this is the safest idea?
    Is there something wrong with me?

    I scored appreciate and got. High Sociopathy on another thing, I dont know if this is the right path, also, in the note of you guys, I worry for your safety, you seem to be a majority of 13 and 16 year olds. Is this really the journey we should embark on? I get protecting the innocent, But what about you and your familys safety, assassins can be tracked and hunted down and their families are murdered sometimes. If you havent already lost it all, J dont recommend The Life of an assassin.

    • Im glad someone here has some sense i posted a comment on this all hopefully this kids read it and get the hint lol

  • I e been professionally taught to be an assassin I have amazing parkour skills so I can work my way around my target with out them knowing Im there it took years for me to get to this level of skill

    • I would like to know who taught you and more about your professional training

      FYI im a pro although due to health issues in a deteriorating state but hopefully that will improve and Ill be back on my feet soon cause these medical bills are not going down but what is going down is the s--- load of money i once had lol

  • hello i am curently recruting for my mafia and looked at the comments after taking the test and saw some people wanted to become assassins you can contact me @ my email which is [no emails] for more info

  • ik ben 13 en heb 5 succsesvolle moorden

  • my score is 91 lol kinda happy

  • I got 98% But how does a 13 year old sound?

  • Experienced assassin,I am good with being mysterious,sneaky, manipulative and self reliant on myself. I think I'd be a great assassin especially sense I'm revenge seeking on my enemies. Cool quiz anyways mate.

    • Then you will fail as an assassin emotions are an anchor and will cloud your judgment if you do it for revenge too then screw being an assassin just got commit mass murder on your enemies an assassin is protecting the lives for the innocent in exchange for some money which you need to uno survive basically if your not doing it for the safety of others and only for revenge then forget about becoming one

  • I haven't killed anyone, but I am an experienced assassin on this quiz. I'm 18 and I want to be an assassin so much!

    • Nice Im master assassin on the quiz only a pro level when talking irl skills tho but ultimately think about why u want to be one then come back to me

  • Hello. I am that of a teenager and yet I may or may not have committed multiple assassinations jobs and yet this test places me at a apprentice level. May you please make it more accurate. If you would like to learn more accurate answers contact me at [no emails] thank you.

    • Right listen here listen well I doubt you have committed multiple assassinations very much so word of advice from a pro the test is trivial at best and dont take it to seriously but it states the truth if your are a good assassin then you would have easily scored 90%+ i like to leave room for one answer wrong but ultimately an actual assassin shouldnt need to take a test like this shouldnt even think of it only reason im here is because a friend of mine obviously mentioned it and asked me to do it to see my score but after seeing some of the comments i had to dive a bit more in depth so to my point answer me this why do you want to be an assassin

  • Uh. Ive unfortunately read all of these comments (which were amusing to say the least) and you all need a logical dose of reality.

    I took the quiz. Its fun, Ill admit. Unfortunately for the lot of you, the creator of this site was transparent in making it clear.

    Its all bull. If youd read the starting comment, youd have seen the many mistakes lingering there. Theres no greed and corruption going on in Nigeria. Well, not in his words.

    It was a kid, simple as that.
    It was nice reading your comments everybody.
    Sincerely, just a random mf teen.

    • Im with you bruv

    • Oh good a person with common sense however other then pointing out the stupidity in some people here Ive decided to use me experience and personal opinions to enlighten some of these blood thirsty kids to how and why theyre stupid and what is actually required to become an assassin and how it isnt some childish game its putting real lives into your hands not to mention it should only be done where the greater goal is the protection if the innocents

    • telling their names and where they live like im not a terrorist

  • I will join when my studies will complete i hop you find me

    Celestia Blaze
  • Plz don't tell my family including my dad . I will beat me .

    Celestia Blaze
  • Hii sir i want to join your team . I want to protect the innocent people. I am user of this . I am 14 years old. . I don't like my family expect my mother, little sister, little brother. I want to join so that I can prove my dad wrong girls can do anything.

    Celestia Blaze
    • Maybe you and I could make our own team... like a duo of doom

    • Wtf is a duo of doom

    • Tbh despite me being a pro and currently at deaths door i am still up at 1:30 am typing replies this all this right then lets get this over with kids unfortunately look for my other comments because im running low on energy but you need to not have these foolish ideas about being an assassin when you have 0 idea of what it entails and where to even start let alone having the mindset to perform it but besides the duo of doom thing i really am not even gonna ask but back to my point i get how you feel but girls are actually very capable outside of being an assassin i know some females who are assassins and they are pretty well awesome probably kick the hell outa me if i annoyed them lol but for real dont get down about it prove them wrong everyone who doubts you shrug it off and be the best you but that doesnt mean becoming an assassin I cant stop you if thats your wish but make sure deep in your heart your ready because once your in only way out is very old age or death very few people can up and walk away from it even if they do sometimes it catches them up in later years so thing what you want and why u want to do what ever it is u decided

  • i am 12 and got master assassin. i-

  • Hello sir

    Do you allow anyone to join, no matter the age or whereabouts. If so I believe there is many people including myself that wants to help you accomplish what you desire. I am a 13 year old gender fluid person. I was born as a girl so I can dress like one too. I can dress as both genders, so I can help by being undercover in any mission you desire. I have long hair I wish to cut off, so if I'm allowed to join I can cut it off to help hide my identity. I live in Europe and I have no emotional attachments to my family. So I would love to help you bring the world to justice once again.

    A Great Question
  • Hello sir.
    My name is Brooklin Johnston.

    My age is 14 and I was hoping to join your/an organization.

    If you accept me, I don't expect any special treatment or love or whatever.

    If you do accept me please just kidnap me from my home. Preferably at night.

    I am not trying to order you I just wasn't wanting my parents to know.

    Please train me, I currently live near Houston Missouri. Take me if you choose me.

    • I'm 13, and I live in West Plains mo. I got 83% and I have killed b4. I want to join SOMEONE.

    • do u both want to join in with me? I am 13 and i have started a (curently) small mafia and i am recruting

    • There are so many problems with your comments you and everyone replying to this actually look for my other comments and you will understand why Im not typing anymore oh and dont think your reading the words of a hater of a doubter no no your reading the words of a pro so not using my experience to my advantage here but your guys already failed a critical criteria for becoming an assassin so as you are now no chance but one thing I advise assassin work isnt about killing its about protecting innocent lives yes ok there is money involved but like any job you have to be paid to survive but your main focus should be the protection of innocent lives not the use of emotions and revenge and blood lust

    • the way i could easily blow up your house


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