will you be a famous rapper

its a whole lot of niggas out there who think they have what it takes to become a big shot rapper. Well this here is a quiz to see if you really got the brains, the hip hop knowledge, and the ghetto termonology that it requires so get to it

if you know you dont have what it takes dont even look at this quiz let alone take it.this here is only for real niggas not country lovin churh goin people(no offense)

Created by: devontae
  1. who the best rapper lil wayne or plies
  2. can u flow
  3. do you smoke weed
  4. have u ever made a song
  5. which would you prefer gold or beads
  6. who is the greatest rapper of all time
  7. what type of women are you attracted to
  8. who looks the best out of halle berry and jennifer lopez
  9. whos better webbie or hurricane
  10. can you write or do you just freestyle

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Quiz topic: Will I be a famous rapper