Wich of my stray pack ocs are you

Take this quiz to find out wich of my ocs you are feel free to make fan art of the characters but please dont steal the characters the artworks of the characters arent my own so credits to the original artists: miffion, azzai, mambastar, sloppyfox, ren and mai (sorry if i got it wrong)

Ignore this:vvvvvvbghbbbbdvvvegtsysgdbdhjjndndjdndnndjdhdndndhndndndnddndndndnndndndndnndndndnrndndnddnndndndndndndnndndnnenenndndnenndndhxhjdnendjjdjdndn

Created by: Nightfrost
  1. If you where a dog what color fur would you want
  2. What eye color
  3. What discribes your personality best
  4. Your friends are being atacked what do you do
  5. A pup hurted their paw what do you do
  6. What do you like to do in your free time
  7. What is a bad trait that you have
  8. Someone close to you passed what stage of grief fits you the most
  9. What weater do you like the most
  10. What is your biggest fear
  11. Will you share your result

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Quiz topic: Wich of my stray pack ocs am I
