Why is your friends mad at you?

There are many people in your world, but the most important one are your friends. If you are taking third teat it is because she is mad at you. But why?

Take this test to find out. You will learn how much she is mad at you and what you can do to fix it. Don't think this is a bunch of nonsense, it is an accurate quiz.

Created by: Needles and Thread

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How long have you known your friend?
  2. How long have you known your friend?
  3. Why are you talking this quiz
  4. Do have have a nickname for her?
  5. Do have have a nickname for her?
  6. Have you ever had a sleepeover with her?
  7. Do you care if you stop being her friend?
  8. Do you care if you stop being her friend?
  9. What is your favorite color?
  10. What is HER favorite color
  11. Finally, the last and most important question= Did you do anything to make her mad?

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Quiz topic: Why is my friends mad at you?