Who Will You Moost Likely End Up With?

There are sooooo many people in the world who have absolutely no idea what kind of person they are. they all think that you have to take some wierd quiz like what personality are you ? what about a relatioship quiz? very fun!

Are you partying all night? or do you take it slow. Do you care for others, or do you only care about yourself? Take this magnificent quiz, and you will find out!

Created by: becca
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. So you are just coming to camp, and you meet the cutest boy named Jacob. you...
  2. You decide to go for a wlk with Jacob, but then you see the cutest boy in the world named Ryan. you...
  3. You decide to ditch Jacob and go talk to Ryan. To Ryan you say or do...
  4. So you end up kissing Ryan and Jacob seems sad. You...
  5. So you end up runniing back to Jacob, but he doesn't want you back. you...
  6. You end up telling Jacob that Ryan was a better kisser anyways,and Ryan says that you were mean to Jacob. you...
  7. You end up talking to Jacob and tell him that he means the world to you. then you...
  8. Almost to the end of this qiuz. are you...
  9. Now Ryan is very mad at you, and Jacob is mad because he thinks you are still cheeting on him. you think your life is over, but who you really want...
  10. Last Question. They both come running into your cabin at the same time asking for you back. you choose...

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Quiz topic: Who will I Moost Likely End Up With?