who the hell will be your hubby?

hay you wanna know who the hell your hubby will be well take this quiz and youll find out you could have the man of you sweet,nasty,wild,tame dreams and if you think this is lame juss take the test anyway and juss see what happens you could like what you hear !!:)

are you ready for this quiz are you sure because you may not be ready for what these quiz has in store for you humm and if i were you hang on to dis guy well thats if u like what you c

Created by: dominique
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how do you describe yourself?
  2. are you a virgin???
  3. pick one quality that you would want in your man !
  4. what your fav music
  5. pick a line
  6. what your fav animal
  7. why did you take this quiz?
  8. whats your fav kind of movie?
  9. who do you like the most
  10. what are you hoping for out of this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Who the hell will be my hubby?