Who should you kiss?

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Hello there! You are about to take a twelve-question quiz. This quiz will tell you what kind of person you should kiss, sometime in your life. There are four choices.

The four choices to kiss are: Sweet guy, sweet girl, tough guy, and tough girl. So please take this quiz! Hope you like it! See you at the end of it! :)

Created by: Ultimate kissing expert
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you homosexual; what is your gender? (from now on, this quiz is going to have a lot of would you rather questions on it.)
  2. Wyr sweet or sour?
  3. Wyr black or gray?
  4. Hero or villain?
  5. Cotton candy or jaw-breaker?
  6. Classical or rock music?
  7. Soft and long or hard and short kiss?
  8. Popular or punk?
  9. Book or movie?
  10. Last question! Do you like sweet person or tough person better?

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Quiz topic: Who should I kiss?