Who Is Your Greek Olympian Parent?

Sinks to the site anyone can create a quiz. But not everyone makes a "quest". This is a journey to find out who you really are. Are you the child of the big three?

A true demigod child of Zeus is powerful. They are strong in way that can't be described in mere words. They are extraordinarily special but that doesn't make them the best.

Created by: Cheyenne
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you ever feel watched?
  2. Weapon of choice.
  3. What's your favorite color?
  4. Pick a power
  5. What color are your eyes?
  6. Do you fit in
  7. Do you fit in
  8. If you had to fight a monster alone what would it be.
  9. Do you think your mom or dad are the god?
  10. Last question are you afraid of.
  11. Last question are you afraid of.

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Quiz topic: Who Is my Greek Olympian Parent?