who is your future husband

there are many smart people, but like you, your amazing. who knows the meaning of smart? anyone? you do because that's what you are aren't you? I did think that this world wouldn't be here without you.

you have the power to control your own life every move every action you do is yourself keep believing and being you don't let anyone else control you or tell you,that you cant be that person take this great quiz and you will find out some great stuff.

Created by: katie
  1. what colour are your eyes?
  2. who do you like best?
  3. what is your name?
  4. which is best to represent you?
  5. what drink do you like best?
  6. what name would you like to have?
  7. what is your favourite colour?
  8. which animal is your fave?
  9. whats your mams name?
  10. what part of you do you like best?
  11. Are you ready to here who your future husband is?

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Quiz topic: Who is my future husband