Who Is Your Doom Character?

Ever wondered what your ultimate killer being is? If you answered yes, good for you! If no? Fine. Go bother someone else's quiz. Anyway, If you don't like this quiz, Don't rate it. If you DO like this quiz, STILL don't rate it. This quiz must not be rated EVER!

By the way, no these results are entirely made by me. Don't ask who I am. In fact, don't even consider it. If you do, a black wolf shall swallow your brain! And kitsune will destroy you. Black wolf and Kitsune aren't done by me...

Created by: Some annoying noob

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Someone aims a gun at you and demands your money. You...
  2. You see a hole in a nearby military bases defense. You...
  3. You spy a fuel tanker on the horizon. You...
  4. The government asks you a favour. You...
  5. You are attacked by the Land/Sea/Air forces. You...
  6. You find a baby with candy. You...
  7. What's the first thing you do in the morning out of these?
  8. Worst question. What's your fav colour?
  9. What's your reaction to a loud noise?
  10. A dog starts barking at you. You...
  11. Like this quiz?
  12. When were you born?
  13. Chicken.
  14. Do you consider yourself truly evil?
  15. Blank.
  16. You are playing a game and someone cheats. You...
  17. You find yourself among a crowd of people.
  18. The end. Happy?

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Quiz topic: Who Is my Doom Character?