Who is your boyfriend

Do you want to play the Flirting game? You can LOVE Carter, Brandon, or Tom. The BFF on it is Sophie. You will face challenges, pros and cons, and help from the guy.

SWEET if you will play because my name is Brianna and I worked hard on creating it. AND I want to see if ya like the boys I made up. So to find a boy or stick with your BFF

Created by: Brianna
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You were shopping and you saw Carter pass by. He put the exact thing you wanted to buy in your cart. What do ya think
  2. Carter was outside with your BFF Sophie. Carter noticed you and he asked if you want to play with him. Do you want to?
  3. You are at the beach surfing. You almost fell but Tom was there and helped you up. Ya like it
  4. You were at the animal shelter and a cat scratched you. Tom told the cat to stop and he helped your wound heal. What will you say
  5. Sophie is flirting with Brandon. You liked Brandon. Sophie asked Brandon out and he said Yes. What would you do
  6. Brandon is playing with your EX boy and your EX asked you for a date. You ask Brandon but he says to go with your EX. What do you say
  7. Carter covers the TV screen when you are watching yr fave show. He asks if you want to play outside. Will you?
  8. You were in the shopping mall and you don't have enough money to pay for a thing you always wanted. Brandon lends you his money. Thank him or not
  9. Tom got a cute kitty for you at the pet shelter. You were hangin' with your pal Sophie. You accept Tom's gift?
  10. Who do ya love better?

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Quiz topic: Who is my boyfriend