Who is Vee Dizzle?

There are many people who think they know Vee Dizzle. But do you really know Vee Dizzle? Sure, you've heard the hype, but have you seen Vee Dizzle UNplugged? See how well you know your friend Vee Dizzle by taking this quiz...

There are many people who think they know Vee Dizzle. But do you really know Vee Dizzle? Seriously. Take this quiz and find out. You know you want to.

Created by: Vee Dawg

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which is most like Vee's personal style?
  2. I am meeting a new boyfriend's parents for the first time, and his mother serves a really tasty dinner. After dinner, do I:
  3. Which R & B diva am I feeling the most out of these four?
  4. What is my favorite carbonated beverage?
  5. My singing sounds like:
  6. You are in my house and you hear me in the next room, chatting up a storm. Who am I talking to?
  7. What is my favorite color?
  8. What kind of music do I like to listen to when I'm driving?
  9. How many tattoos do I have?
  10. What size shoe do I wear?

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