Who are your Warrior parents??

Hey guys! Warrior-cat-fan here! This is my first quiz but I will be making more! This is a quiz to find out who your warrior cat parents are. There are 4 possible answers:

Graystripe and Silverstream, Firestar and Sandstorm, Tigerstar and Sasha, Bramblestar and Squirrelflight. Hope you have fun with this! Tell me who your parents are!

Created by: Warrior-cat-fan
  1. Who is your Favorite warrior?
  2. What pelt color would you have?
  3. What color eyes would/do you have?
  4. Your warrior ceremony is about to start. What suffix do you think your leader will choose?
  5. What clan do you belong to?
  6. What is your favorite color?
  7. What is your favorite super edition book? (Does not effect answer)
  8. How would your friends describe you?
  9. How did you like this quiz? 1-10
  10. Alright well hope you had fun! Byeeeeeee

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Quiz topic: Who am Ir Warrior parents??
