Who are you among my friends?

Ok this is actually my only quiz that i think its accurate but i still think its not. ok now... i know your confused cuz i am too. so just take the freakin quiz

ok take the quiz take the quiz take the quiz take the quiz take the quiz take the quiztake the quiz take the quiz take the quiztake the quiz take the quiz take the quiztake the quiz take the quiz take the quiz

Created by: XxSophiacxX

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. ok i dont really know how to start so give me time to think.
  2. If i was hurt,(because someone tripped me) what will you do out of these?
  3. You random, weird or something?
  5. PICK ONE!
  6. Would you kill me?
  7. If i die... what will you do?
  8. ok now i dont know what to put
  9. who are you among these?
  10. Are you a psychic?
  11. ok now ill say... SAYONARA!
  12. i say i have more friends than this but i go with the major people and this is the last question. BYE!!!!!

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Quiz topic: Who am I among my friends?