whick wwe superstar r u

there ar strong people and retardedly weak people wrestler is not an option or is it ar YOU a WRESTLER,strong or just plain wimpy wrestler:a person witch is tougher than you or at least tougher than a strong person they ar beyond indestructable

you know what a wrestler is but do you know if you ar a wrestler do you have the heart to be classified as a wrestler take this quiz to see if you ar truly indestructable

Created by: isaiah
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. r u
  2. u r
  3. r u
  4. how smart r u
  5. how much do y weigh
  6. how tall r u
  7. how musculer r u
  8. how many diff titles have u had
  9. whats ur nickname
  10. ur finisher is
  11. u r a part of

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