which youtuber are you?

This special quiz help you know which youtuber you are like... If you don't know who they are (of the one you get) look them up and subscribe. xx C: C:

Are YOU a famous youtuber? Or one with 1mil- who's completely unstated? Have met the president or your toilet? Do people LOVE or HATE you? xxx :) (: :)

Created by: Zoe The Cool GURLZ
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your dream place?
  2. Rap, Pop, Rock?
  3. Height? (Estimate it.
  4. Tumblr... Twitter... Facebook?
  5. Dress sense...?
  6. Do you think this Is stupid quiz?
  7. Middle finger or a simple 'F... You!'?
  8. Ollie, Goose, Beans... Or a cat?
  9. Men or Woman?
  10. Do you actually like youtube?

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Quiz topic: Which youtuber am I?