Which Warrior Cat Villan are you?

My 2nd quiz is about which Warrior Cat Villan Are U? there are 4 optians. Honestly, My favorite is one of them. There are 10 questions, answer truthfully.

So please comment and help me you know improve on this. So, enjoy it and have fun! That sounded really cringely. Whatever.............................

Created by: E1
  1. Which Clan
  2. Mate?
  3. How will you become leader?
  4. What is your goal?
  5. Your Favorite Warrior Cat Villan?
  6. Which Clan is your enemy?
  7. How many mate(s) do you want or have?
  8. What Father do you want?
  9. What would you want your son to be like?
  10. What do think of yourself?

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Quiz topic: Which Warrior Cat Villan am I?

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