Which Vocaloid Character Are You?

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Which Vocaloid character are you out of Kagamine Len, Kagamine Rin, Hatsune Miku, Megurine Luka, Megpoid Gumi, and Kaito! ((This test might not be very accurate because I don't know Gumi and Kaito well))

Which Vocaloid character are YOU!? WELL LETS FIND OUT! Len, Rin, Miku, Luka, Gumi, or Kaito?((This test might not be very accurate because I don't know Gumi and Kaito well))

Created by: Serena

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your favorite item? duh, this is gonna be asked!
  2. How would you deal with your enemy???
  3. Favorite color???
  4. Which of these songs have you heard first?
  5. This is the last question which doesn't imply to anything, but I just wanna know. Which ship do you like best?
  7. So, whats your most favorite out of all these songs?
  8. THIS QUESTION MAKES A VERY BIG IMPACT!Who is your fave Vocaloid character listed?
  9. I cant think... so how about whats going on in your mind...?
  10. NOW TIME FOR YOUR LAST QUESTION! How do you feel about ending this test?

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Quiz topic: Which Vocaloid Character am I?