Which Victorious Girl Character Are You

My quiz is about a show called victorious this show is about a talented group of people that come into a school called holly wood arts. This show is quite funny and I recommend people to watch it it's also my favourite show.

In this quiz I have done a quiz on which girl you are they all have different personalities. I made this quiz because I have recently been taking some and it inspired me to make my own one up, so I hope you enjoy it.

Created by: Lalita of which victorious character are you
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your favourite colour?
  2. What are you most attached to?
  3. What do you do when you see a new kid in the class?
  4. When you have lunch at school what drink would you get?
  5. What is your talent singing acting or dancing?
  6. Who do you find the most talented?
  7. If your friends ask you were you want to go after school what would you say.
  8. What's your favourite thing to do?
  9. If you don't get the lead role in a play what do you do?
  10. If someone is rude to you what do you do.

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Quiz topic: Which Victorious Girl Character am I
