Which Vegetable Are You?

What is a vegetable... this we will never fully now the answer. But what we do know is that too many people in today's society lack the needed ammount of vegetables in order to be healthy. So give our quiz a try!

Many people complain about how they don't like to eat vegetables. But with our new creative and fun quiz, Which Vegetable Are You, we're hoping to inspire people to eat more veggies... for maybe if they find out they're a carrot, they'll be more likely to give 'em a try!

Created by: Pam The Yam
  1. Do you tan?
  2. What do you where when going swimming?
  3. What are you doing this friday night?
  4. Before going on a big date... what do you do to prepare?
  5. How do you define yourself?
  6. What is your dream Job?
  7. Describe your normal attire...
  8. What religion are you?
  9. If you were to buy a vacation home... where would you want it to be?
  10. What is your catchphrase?

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Quiz topic: Which Vegetable am I?