Which Type of Shark are You?

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There are 440 known types of shark living today. All of them are sleek and agile, and as fascinating as they are unique. Although certain Hollywood classics portray sharks as cold blooded, evil monsters with one instinct : kill. This is not the case. Most sharks are warm blooded, intelligent and are curious about humans, not hungry for them. It has actually been proven that shark's dislike the taste of human flesh.

So which one are you? There are twelve possible results for this quiz. I have excluded goblin shark as a possible result as if you got that result it would be a downright insult. From the notorious great white to the gentle giant: the whale shark, there's plenty to sink your teeth into. So what are you waiting for? Let's go!

Created by: TheFin of The Shark Trust
(your link here more info)
  1. Choose a colour
  2. What are your ideal hunting grounds?
  3. Where is your ideal holiday destination?
  4. What is your strongest trait?
  5. What is your favourite seafood?
  6. If you had a superpower, what would it be?
  7. Choose a mammal
  8. Some one is bullying your friend, what do you do?
  9. Do you ever wish you were taller?
  10. You're designing an obstacle course. What sort of obstacle would you be most inclined to put in?
  11. What is your least proud trait?
  12. You have arrived at a whale carcass and you want a piece of it, but there is a larger predator who want's the lion's share. What do you do?
  13. Do you ever breach the water and do a flip?
  14. What is your skin pattern like?
  15. Do you have any fears?

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Quiz topic: Which Type of Shark am I?

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