Which twilight guy is right for you?

This quiz will show which twilight guy is right for you!! Take and find out which twilight guy best suits you!! There are various personalities from self absorbed to shy and unselfish! Take it and find out which guy best suits you!!

There are various personalities from self absorbed to shy and unselfish! There are various answers! Take and find out EXATLYY which guy is right for YuoO0!!

Created by: marna of marna
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would you do in ur spare time?
  2. What do u want ur guy to be into?
  3. What do u like best?
  4. What's ur hair color?
  5. How is your relationship?
  6. What would you do as a date?
  7. Would u vote to change Bella?
  8. Who do you think you'll get?
  9. Which one?
  10. Did you like this quiz?
  11. Where would you go for your honeymoon?
  12. Your guy is known as...

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