Which Turpentine Character are You?

Every good book has to have a good quiz, so I decided to make one for Turpentine. "What is this book?" You may say. "Who is it written by?" "This is a book?" "Where can I buy it?" "Do tomatoes go well with socks?" Unfortunately, none of these questions are answered in the quiz, but you'll have a jolly good time if you take it, so take it anyways.

Which character do you think YOU'LL be? Will you be a hero, or a villian? Will you eat a fish sandwich for lunch? Will I ever stop talking? These questions (well, most of them) and more will be answered shortly!

Created by: Ganbatte123 of Aubre Cox
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hero or Villian?
  2. Do you tend to be more reserved, or bright and bubbly?
  3. Are you a brain, or do you tend to be a bit dense?
  4. Do you fall in love easily, or are you really only content with the 'right person'?
  5. Have you lost a family member or someone else close to you? (by death)
  6. I say Hillshire, you say:
  7. Were you the one that suggested the cure, or did you laugh in that person's face?
  8. Did you die in the course of the book?
  9. California, or Phoenix?
  10. Do you think that education is important?
  11. Who would you want to be?
  12. Who do you THINK you'll be?
  13. Are you rebellious?
  14. Are you headsrtong?
  15. Are you lead by your head, or your heart?
  16. Have you even read the book?
  17. Do you think that I'm British? (post "British" in the comments if you think I am.)
  18. And last, but not least, have you ever been proposed to/ have you ever proposed, have you ever been married, or had a kid?

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Quiz topic: Which Turpentine Character am I?