Which STAR WARS character are you?

Every once and awhile, you will hear people say "Oh, your just like that Skywalker kid from STAR WARS!". Dont you want to prove them wrong, cuz you are soooo Han Solo!

Now in minutes you will find out who you are! I hope you enjoy taking this quiz and are completely satisfied. I enjoyed making this quiz and I hope you enjoy taking it. THANK YOU!!!

Created by: zanyzack

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are attacked by Battle Droids, what weapon do you use?
  2. What force power do you excel in?
  3. Which do you prefer?
  4. What is your favorite book?
  5. Fav vehicle?
  6. Fav Planet?
  7. Your Mean, True or False?
  8. Do you wear traditional Jedi Robes, True or False?
  9. Favorite video game system?
  10. Finally, what is your saber color?

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Quiz topic: Which STAR WARS character am I?