Which species are you? Part 1

Sprites, Pixies, and Gremlins. Witch one are you? take this quiz and find your nature! Each group is divided into different sub-groups, so if you want to get down to the finer details you don't have to stop there!

Remember to take other quizzes once you find out what you are. Will you be a wizard, a cat, or a wolf like me? See what you'll get. it's fun. :D

Created by: ami itsumademo
  1. You see a cat stuck in a tree, what do you do. (answer truthfully)
  2. Hippies?
  3. It's snowing, first thought?
  4. Alright, we're gonna do some role play.
  5. You get up in the morning, you're late for school.
  6. You're on your way to school, a homeless man stops you an asks for money.
  7. You get to school, your crush is looking right at you.
  8. Your teacher asks for the homework you didn't do.
  9. Your on your way home, the sexiest person you've ever seen approaches you and asks you out.
  10. What color is your hair?
  11. What if I told you this was the last question?
  12. I LIED!
  13. BUDDY!
  14. CLICK ONE!!!
  15. Done, how do you feel?

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Quiz topic: Which species am I? Part 1