Which Recovery Slogan are You?

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Keep Coming- It Works if You Work It- Progress, Not Perfection- all meaningful phrases for those in recovery from substance use disorders, but some resonate more than others for each individual. The following questions and responses were designed to uncover where you need to be focusing your energy to improve yourself spiritually and as a recovering member of the human race.

Twelve Step fellow-shippers often have their own lingo that gets tossed around the halls during meetings. Part of that includes recovery slogans which may be specific to them or 'borrowed' from other famous quotes. Take this quiz to see which recovery slogan suits you best and the basic meaning behind it. Discover words of wisdom from those who came before you and adopt them as your recovery 'mantra'.

Created by: Andrea Toscano
  1. My recovery pathway is:
  2. I approach each day by
  3. Do you believe this statement true or false? Addiction is a Disease.
  4. Self- help/ 12 step fellowship meetings are
  5. What is most crucial to you in your recovery?
  6. "I struggle to focus on the 24 hours ahead and my mind often projects into events in the future."
  7. I'm aware of my existing reservations (if some specific scenarios occur, I know that I will relapse).
  8. I'm aware of my existing reservations (if some specific scenarios occur, I know that I will relapse).
  9. What comes closest to YOUR definition of Addiction/ Alcoholism?
  10. Choose the best response to fill in the blank: ___________________ helps me get through the day.
  11. Have you experienced a 'moment of clarity'? Often this happens when something suddenly makes sense on a deeper, more profound level.
  12. I am continuously evaluating my thoughts, words and actions.
  13. I firmly believe that things unfold exactly as they are supposed to (if I stay out of the way).
  14. What high risk situations are you exposed to?
  15. I tend to be judgmental of others shortcomings or compare myself to them.
  16. My approach to selfcare closely resembles:

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Quiz topic: Which Recovery Slogan am I?
