Which Rainbow Six operator are you?

Ok I need to write so this was just a stunt to help my iFunny page so yeah go sub to that I'm EmbraceTheCancerR6S and tell me your result on there. And yeah

I don't want to write this paragraph but I don't really mind Ash Jäger mains like most people so I'm basically retarded apparently and now you're free

Created by: Embraced T. Cancer
  1. Are you the life of the party?
  2. Where do you work?
  3. How often do you look at memes
  4. Are you naturally good at most things?
  5. Do you enjoy rushing in Siege?
  6. Do you think spawn peeking is ok?
  7. What is your favorite site?
  8. Are you looking forward to the new operators?
  9. Are you subbed to me on iFunny?(If not I'm EmbraceTheCancerR6S
  10. Do you main Thatcher, Kapkan, or Montagne?

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Quiz topic: Which Rainbow Six operator am I?