Which Part of Theodore Roosevelt's Square Deal are You?

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There are many people, but few are one of the three C's of Roosevelt's Square Deal, a Conservation, a Consumer Protection, or a Control of Corporation. After all, the world we live on is a big place at times and we can't be everything.

If you turn out to be a Conservation, part of TR's Square Deal, that's cool. If you are a Consumer Protection, that's cool as well. And, if you are a Control of Corporation, well, again that's cool, too. All three are acceptable or , at least, it won't be counted against your final score.

Created by: Terry Greshan of terrymgresham
(your link here more info)
  1. What? You are not keen on corporations that have the purpose of reducing competition and controlling prices?
  2. What? Some wilderness areas should be preserved while others should be developed for the common good?
  3. Seriously! You have read the Octopus by Frank Norris?
  4. Obviously, you can see yourself halting the sale of contaminated foods and medicines?
  5. Do you like how the Sierra Club strives to protect and preserve natural resources?
  6. Really? You have read Upton Sinclair's The Jungle?
  7. You favor the regulatory powers of the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)to telephone, cable, and telegraph companies?
  8. With whom would you like to spend a year? Jack Hanna or Howard Schultz.
  9. You like existence as the FDA?
  10. What? You like regulation over Laissez-faire?
  11. With whom would you rather spend an entire decade? Jane Goodall or Warren Buffett?
  12. With whom would you rather spend a year? Jacques Cousteau or Rupert Murdoch?
  13. What was President Theodore Roosevelt's domestic program primarily aimed at?
  14. The philosophy of President Theodore Roosevelt was the desire to treat both sides fairly in any dispute?
  15. How many law suits did T. Roosevelt initiate against corporations?
  16. What? Foodstuffs and drugs could no longer be mislabeled?
  17. What? You think consumers should be deliberately misled to make a profit?
  18. Do you agree with the following statement by Roosevelt,"All I ask is a square deal for every man. Give him a fair chance. Do not let him wrong any one, and do not let him be wronged?"

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Quiz topic: Which Part of Theodore Roosevelt's Square Deal am I?