Which one of my kittens are you most like?

I created this well because not just for fun but to see how people can be like my cute little kittens!!!!! I have a real black cat named blacky which proves black cats are not bad luck!

This test by the way tells you your kitten side! Wild or know it all? Find out today to take this test! Kitty lovers! Asking the same question and love kittens? Took a right down lucky street because here it is!

Created by: The kitten tamer
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you cuirious and silly most of the time?
  2. Are you a creative boy/girl?
  3. Have you ever spent an hour starring at yarn?
  4. It's 12:00pm full moon. What do you do?
  5. Do have a bro or sister?
  6. Ok few more questions to go so what is your favriote animal.
  7. Ok just 4 more! So do you have head phones but have to share them?
  8. Pick your fav picture
  9. Have you ever rode a horse?
  10. Ok 2 more questions! So are you wild and jummpy alot?
  11. Last one commet and rate! Ok what do you wish to get?

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Quiz topic: Which one of my kittens am I most like?