Which one of my brothers are you most like?

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This quiz is for guys only, if your a girl and take it... well, you'll know what brother of mine you're like. Order in age: Jackson, Lucas, Matthew, Shane, Kyle, Tyler... me. I know, come one Mom and Dad, what were you thinking?!

So, random lyrics, if you know this song, tell me in the comments. "I had a friend who wasa big baseball player, back in highschool. He could throw that speedball by you..."

Created by: katanasky
  1. So, what kind of car do you want?
  2. What do you want to be when you grow up?
  3. What are you bad at?
  4. When you see Taylor Swift what do you think?
  5. If your little sister, me, was crying, what would you say?
  6. Which letter does your name start with?
  7. What is your favorite color?
  8. What is your element?
  9. Who is your favorite singer out of these?
  10. What's you favorite food?

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Quiz topic: Which one of my brothers am I most like?