Which one in the friend group are you?

This is a quiz to find out which type you are in your friend group. Good luck getting a result!

Ever wonder which friend group type you are? Sure, well you can get an answer to that burning question. Now... go ahead with the quiz.

Created by: Maggie
  1. What time do you go to bed?
  2. What's your favourite genre of movie?
  3. If you were a quote, which one would you be?
  4. If I texted you, how quickly would you respond?
  5. If you could bring one thing to a deserted island, out of these, what would you bring?
  6. Choose an archetype that represents you most
  7. Your friends invited you out, but you've got cold feet. How do you get out?
  8. Where should we go for our senior trip ;)
  9. If you could have candy which one would you want?
  10. Who kidnapped Melania?

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Quiz topic: Which one in the friend group am I?
