Which of the Big Three is your parent?

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There are many fans of Percy Jackson and Greek mythology. They all have their favorite gods or goddesses. But who would be the most compatible as your parent?

The Big Three is a nickname for Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. Based off of the questions included in this quiz, I will determine as best I can which would be the best father.

Created by: Beatle Obsessed
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When picked to work in a group of three, you prefer:
  2. Favorite color of the following?
  3. Favorite power of the following?
  4. Which castle sounds the best?
  5. You're deathly fear is...
  6. What's the best way of traveling?
  7. Best weather?
  8. What's your favorite hobby?
  9. Favorite weapon?
  10. Your favorite god is...

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Quiz topic: Which of the Big Three is my parent?